An Emotional Pablo Honey

For my first and final “Remixed” assignment, i searched hard and long for the perfect assignment. I was actually confused on the whole process of remixing and assignment so i had to read up on that. I ended up enjoying the idea of recreating a “Classic Album Cover”. If …

Marlo Remixed In Pink

For my first Remix Mash I took a dig at what Marlo’s gangsta would truly look like in the absence of Chris, his muscle sidekick! For this creation I mashed a scene from Ice Cube’s Next Friday and mixed it into the poker scene from Season 4 Episode 4 of …

Mix it Up!

For this remix assignment, I had to create a PowerPoint presentation that sucked. So of course I had to make a PowerPoint about DS106. The irony of a crappy PowerPoint in a digital storytelling class is hilarious. I could not figure out how to embed the PowerPoint on this, …

Military DS106 Wallpaper

This assignment was a remix. This was actually a lot of fun, and not nearly as hard as I thought it would be! For this assignment, I had to create a ds106 wallpaper, but boot camp it as the remix. So I just thought of ideas as a flag in …