Pythagoras is The Man

I did the daily create again today. My favorite mathematical expression are y=mx+b and

a2+b2=c2    . When I looked at twitter, it seemed that y=mx+b was overly done, so I went with the second one.

I got my a from here, my 2 from here, my b from …

Daily Create: Mathematical Logos

A favorite math expression? I can do that. I decided to choose something that is relevant to the class I’m taking this semester:




The time-independent Schrodinger Equation in three dimensions, in Cartesian space. Both beautiful and terrifying to see.…

Bringing out the nerd

For my daily create, I actually enjoyed thinking about formulas I could use. Since I am a Chem minor, I just had to do something involving Chem! So I picked a gas law, PV=nRT. I searched logos and for some I just picked a cool letter, such as the N. …

Is that an M or just candy?

So today’s daily create was interesting, Finding a math expression/equation/whatever is probably easy for everyone, except me. Math is not my jam. I’m better at poly sci, english, or basically anything that isn’t math. So of course, one equation that was drilled in my head since I was in middle …


V = IR So simple.  This is Ohm’s Law.   The passing of an electrical current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. So, voltage equals amperes multiplied by resistance. Today’s Daily Create assignment was to use “found” letters to depict …


Today’s Daily Create – because it’s very hard to stop something with momentum…