“You need therapy and shit.”

The Wire Sweded

The scene that I decided to swede from The Wire was from Season 2. I’ve talked about this scene during my group’s radio show and am including it again because I love the dialogue in it so much. The scene involves Ziggy and his infamous Italian leather …

My Acting Career Has Begun

For the Swede a Scene assignment I worked with Syd and we redid the opening scene of Season 3 Episode 11. Thanks to my house mate for filming the scene it turned out pretty decent. I do not think I have any chance at an acting career but you never …

“The Pager” Swede

YouTube is doing something funky with a “warping” kind of effect that I can’t figure out, but here it is.  I think I’ll try uploading to Vimeo next time and see if that improves things.   I went with Season 1 Episode 5 “The Pager” for the Swede video assignment …

An Old Biddy Swede


This week I got to reunite with my radio show biddies to do a group swede. Kisha found some good scenes from upcoming episodes for us to recreate. With scripts in hand we met at the Fredericksburg Bus Station to film. We recreated a scene from episode 5 of …

Swede a Scene

For this assignment, I worked with Travis. We decided to do the scene where Brother Mouzone finds Omar. It was a lot of fun filming this despite technical difficulties when all three of our phones died. We used Movie Maker to clip and edit the pieces of the film …

If Marlow and Joe were LEGO…


4.5 Stars

Apart from my trust laptop, I pulled some minifigs and some pieces out of my LEGO box and tried my best to re-position the two to make it seem as though they were talking. Along with that, I also had my Desktop running the actual scene in …

Back in the Swede of Things

For 4 1/2 to 5 stars and some change on the side if creating a swede as a group, the biddies and I were back at it! Although all three of us had SOL chasing us consistently for the last two weeks, we utilized technology more with prepping to combat …

Swede a Scene , VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments437

Swede a Scene (4.5/5 stars) (Plus Extra Credit please? :))

Old Biddy Productions decided to get together and swede a few scenes from Season 4.  We sweded scenes from Episode 5 and Episode 6.  We first chatted a few times and tossed ideas around on google docs.  We decided that …

Video Swede

Here is the video swede (worth 5 stars) that I worked on with Meredith, David, Demi, and Carmela. We decided to work with season 3 episode 11 and we were originally going to all act it out ourselves, but then we decided to use teddy bears from the Dollar Tree. …

We love looking down

As I told my friend, Charbel. “We did it.” What I meant was that since we worked hard on making this swede episode and finding people who can help us, the result we got was one of my friend Leanna Epps who helped us big time on the Swede assignment