“A Man’s Got To Have Code.”

I decided to take on the challenge of the audio assignment “A Story of Lyrics” (3 stars) and use a quote I recall from the beginning of The Wire from Bunk. For some reason I found and used another variation of the quote (I guess the quote is repeated later on in the series by someone else?), but for reference I found the original quote/epigraph from on YouTube (Season 1, Episode 7):

“A man must have a code.”

This audio assignment was harder than I thought! First I had to determine what songs had the words I needed to mix together. I downloaded all of the songs separately off of YouTube, then used Audacity to clip and position each “word clip”. For words that were too short, such as “a”, I tried to slow down the tempo, but the effect just made the clip sounds warped and unusable. It then became a difficult task finding songs where these words are sung slowly!

Another challenge was finding a song where the word “code” is sung slowly. I came across a unique artist by the name of Tori Amos, who has a song called “Code Red”. Wasn’t particular my preferred genre of music, but it did fit my lyric story perfectly! After combining all of the “word clips” I exported the file as an MP3 and uploaded the finished product to Sound Cloud.