Annoy McNulty…Check!

For my first assignment this week from Rawls’s point of view I did “Post-it Notes and Grocery Lists” (3 stars). I saw Imran’s take on this assignment from Jay Landsman’s point of view and that made me want to do this assignment for Rawls. I figured it’d be pretty easy, especially since I have a Pinterest for Major Rawls, I could pull some of my ideas for food from there.

How I did it:

I opened a new Microsoft Word document. I went to the insert tab, clicked shapes, and clicked text box. Then I drew the size of the text box that I wanted, approximately sticky note size, and started thinking and typing. Then under the format tab, I clicked on shape fill and made it one of the colors that a sticky note would be. Then I did the next one using the same method. The font I used was Colors of Autumn which is something that I downloaded from dafont earlier in this class. I thought it would fit perfectly with what I pictured Rawls’s handwriting looking like. Then I screen-shotted the post it notes, pasted it into the same word document, and right clicked and saved as picture. Then I opened the picture in Office Photo Editor and cropped the photo to where it looked right. Then I uploaded it to Flickr. Here is the finished product:

Rawls sticky notes