Carl’s Transformation

The daily create writing assignment was refreshing for me.   I had some  energy so I channeled it into writing a prompt based off of this cool digital comic assignment What happened to Carl?


The daily create assignment asked that we use our imaginations and write a prompt based of what we saw in the poster.

eye of the tiger

Below is my short story based on the poster.  I entitled it ” Carl’s Transformation”:

Carl’s Transformation

Carl’s Transformation

Written by @jbrazelt, Jonathan B. on October 17, 2014 11:22 pm

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As Carl looked into the eyes of the tiger, he quivered with fear.   The large cat stared at Carl with slitted yellow eyes waiting for him to react. 

"Should I run??," Carl thought, "No I should stay still.  It wasn't but in a moment that the large cat lunged at Carl, the yellow hue of the moonlight shone upon the three large gashes which protruded tissue and visceral tendons of what was Carl's arm.  

Carl screamed in agony....the large cat still sat motionless on the large rock it's mouth open as it panted and licked it's blood stained paws as Carl watch as blood dripped out of his newly formed wound.

Carl staggered back towards the rock as he place one hand upon the large boulder to steady himself leaving a bloody hand print whose form soon began to spread out over the rock as the blood flow from Carl's wound began to increase. 

"I'm going to die," Carl thought.....

As Carl's vision began to fade the edges of the picture of the cat in front of him became fuzzy at the edges.   As Carl's vision began to fade he thought about the last two days of his life.

He had just lost his job, his wife had left him for his best friend. 

As Carl leaned against the large rock, he accepted it almost...."This is it, Carl thought," ...I am dying 

As Carl lay against the boulder his hand began to vibrate, it grew hot, red hot, to the touch! 

Carl looked at his hand as it began to sizzle and turn red, and his skins began to feel as if pins and needles were struggling to get out.   Carl watched in horror as the wound in his arm closed up and began to heal ,  however as it did this the skin on his other arm began to bubble, stretch and crack. 

Carl's skin began to stretch and rip open. 

What the hell?!? Carl he watched in horror his skin split completely down the middle like a banana peel and it was as if a new arm emerged from the former skin on his arm. 

Carl watched in awe as a strange feeling of tranquility washed over him.  Carl's vision then went completely black and he fell unconscious.

When Carl awoke he saw a strange cat-like woman standing over him, smiling with her sharp jagged teeth.

Carl look over her body, she had a long stripped tail and her entire body was covered with fur.  The silhouette of her fury frame entice him and Carl felt energized if not his senses heightened. 

Carl rubbed his hands over his body and he felt fur, all over his body, his chest, his face every where. 

And to add insult to injury Carl felt something protruding out of his backside...IT WAS A TAIL!

Carl quickly sprang to his feet, to his surprise he lept two feet into the air.  He felt strong his new  leg and arm muscles made him feel strong.   

He looked at his right fore arm and expected to see the gaping wound the she-cat had given him. 

To his surprise the wound had all but healed.  Carl pushed back the newly formed fur which was on his forearm, three uniform scratches from her claws remained and had formed a scar. 

Carl looked over at the she-cat just in time to see her waddle into the under brush of the forest.  As if she knew Carl was looking at her she paused and turned to look back at her....was it Carl's imagination or did she smile in some sort of twisted cat-like grin. 

Either way, Carl let out a low pleasurable growl and as if it was second nature he got on all fours and slowly strutted his way into the forest after his new found friend.  Whether Carl liked it or not....he was embracing his new a were-cat.