Carmela Virginia Mitchell

Today’s Daily Create: Tell us your signature style

Carmela… Yes, that’s my name as you all know. How many Carmelas do you know? Really think about it. Now, for all your Sopranos Fans out there, Tony’s wife does not count. This Daily Create is a little confusing but i’m to go with it. I’ve made my mark through my name. I was given the name “Carmela” by my father. His grandmother’s name was Carmela and she was born and raised in Italy. So yeah, i’m Italian. Surprised? You should be, Ever since i was in kindergarten, i’ve always been remembered. Not many teachers, professors, parents, etc. can say they’ve encountered many Carmelas. Whenever i’m talked about (which shouldn’t be a lot) i’m remembered instantly. It’s not that i want to be remembered, because a part of me doesn’t want to be. Well, i do and i don’t. I enjoy having a name that isn’t so common anymore but it has its flaws. I mean, i don’t get those cool key chains with my name on it because they never have it. So…. I win and i loose. My name, like everyone else’s, is my mark.