Design Assignment, Design Assignment 596, Paste someone’s head on an animal

This design assignment was really funny and it seemed pretty easy to do.  We are to paste someone’s head on an animal’s body.  I wanted to also make this related to The Wire so I did my assignment by portraying Frank Sabotka as a lamb.  The Greek is always referring to lambs and lambs to the slaughter.  Since Frank is going to stand up to the Greek in episode 11, I decided I would portray him as a lamb.  I found an image of a lamb on google images.  On, they had an image of a little lamb laying in the grass.  I saved the image and uploaded it into piZap.  Once the image was in piZap, I was able to cut  the head of Frank Sabotka from an image that I had of him and paste the image on the lamb’s body.

Frank the lamb  Frank..   Standing up to The Greek like a lamb…