Holy Toledo!! A Hot Crazy Mess Survivied Week 2

I thought the week started off easy enough. Installed Askimet, set up my subdomain and set up Known on it. I watched 3 episodes of The Wire (and will totally talk about it later in the blog) and then started trying to build my ds106 community. All of that combined with the Daily Creates, finding my ds106 peeps to follow on Twitter and Flickr, and a free lunch courtesy of Jim Groom seemed like I was going to cruise right through the week. That was until the big, bad GIF assignment reared it’s ugly head.

I was a frequent visitor of Flickr this week. I began following Jess, Cris, Viv, John, and Groom on Flickr this week and commented on Jess’s Ping Pong Basketball pic, John’s Dancing at a Wedding pic, and responded to comments on my pics of Crash, my logo, and my internet map.

I was a Twitter fool this week as well. I began following all of my lunch peeps in Twitter this week. Kris, Irman, Lakisha, and Melinda are officially being stalked by me now. Remember, stalking means going on a long romantic walk and only one of you knows about it. (just kidding, btw) I even tweeted some bonus material such as a pic of the bucket list my girlfriend and I made for our dog’s family jewels as well as a link to one of my favorite sites ever that is digital story telling at it’s finest. If you are offended by bad language though it might not be for you.

bucket list

I also did the 4 Daily Creates that were required of us this week. From a logo, to an internet map, to creating a new sport, to admitting an embarrassing tech moment, I again relied on the phone glued to my hand to help with completing those assignments.

The three episodes of The Wire had a lot packed into them. Not only was my girl Greggs shot but my boy Wallace was killed too. I think Wallace getting killed bothered me more than Greggs getting shot because of the interaction he had with the kids. Somehow that interaction he had with those kids gave you a glimmer of hope that he had a chance of turning his life around. With all of the hidden messages throughout the show, I was hoping that his relationship with the kids was a predictor that he would eventually become a law abiding citizen but now he’ll never get that chance.

And then came the GIF…. I waited to do it last because I knew it was going to take more time and concentration and I really wanted to be able to focus on it. After a day and a half, I finally had to get my son in to give me a quick tutorial on making GIFs (I officially feel old with having to ask for his help) but it’s finally done and I can breathe a huge sigh of relief. This week was definitely one of those weeks that made me feel as if the tech world was passing me by. I won’t let it deter me though….bring on week 3.

wire gif