Mirror, mirror

Season 1, episode 1 (1)
I really liked the idea of mirroring scenes in the Wire because so many aspects of the show are paralleled and many elements keep showing up, and so for my last assignment I did the “wiring mirror scenes” visual assignment where I had to find two parallel scenes from different episodes and loop them together.

I am really interested by the lives the characters have outside of the job and decided to parallel two scenes from two separate episodes where McNulty and Morland drink at their parking lot hot spot.

The first scene is from episode 1 from the first season, while the second is a snapshot from episode 6 of season 2. Morland’s and McNulty’s relationship is really interesting and the amount of drinking they do/how they act off of the job is crazy to me. We see McNulty’s loneliness because of his separation from his wife and children, but we do not hear too much about Morland’s home life.

In the first scene, McNulty gets absolutely trashed and flirts with death when the train comes, while we get a total switch in the scene from season two. In that scene it is Morland instead over drinking and he pulls out his gun for fun. The total change in the responsibility of each of these men is interesting to note, as well as how much has changed in their home lives and jobs, yet they still continue to return to this same parking lot to drink and talk.

To make this wired screenshot, I took a screenshot from each episode discussed and then put them into a photo editing website called canva.com, which allowed me to put text over each photo. I then saved it back to my computer and uploaded through Known.