My Light Painting

I did today’s daily create. I originally wasn’t going to do it because I don’t have a camera that I can set for long exposure times. But then I saw Lauren’s post about how she did hers and it seemed easy so I went for it.

How I did it:

I downloaded the Art of Glow app onto my phone. I messed around with it a little, drawing a few things before I chose what to do for this assignment. I ended up drawing a few different things that I liked  but only uploaded one to Flickr. I had to set on regenerate that way it would keep tracing the same lines that I made so I could take a screenshot of my drawing. Here is the flower that I drew and then screen shotted:

Daily Create Flower

I drew this one relatively fast. But then I decided to slow it down to see what would happen and I wrote my initials. This is what it looks like:

daily create initials

I think it looks like slinkies, personally haha. I hope you enjoyed my creations.