Start new.. Shining Rainbow!

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” I wanted to do this Visual Asssignment, because it’s a fun and funny assignment to do. Plus when The Wire started it’s second season, I saw tons of comparable pictures to this assignment of making a rainbow. Here below are what I thought:


When the first episode of Season 2 started and later on it came to Bodie going to the car which is the color red, I was thinking “Why is the color red?”. The reason why I thought of the question to myself is that look at the other cars that the Barksdale organization drive, it’s mostly the color black or white. It’s interesting that Bodie’s driving the car with the color red. I assume like it’s a new season so they want to start new things.

Bodie's Red Car


I find it usual that these type of workers use their orange color vest when working like below of Nick and Frank wearing their orange color vest. Like I said before, it’s a new season so the crew wants to start new things. The first season we haven’t seen usually workers wearing their orange vests that much as it’s showing in the first episode of the second season.

Frank and Nick Orange


You know I’m going to be honest here, this particular scene is my favorite scene. Coming back to your usual workplace and meeting with old and best friends. The color Yellow is shown during this scene such as on McNultys collar and the sign that says “I love City”. Especially the police picture on McNultys jacket, part of it is yellow.

Yellow Everywhere


At the Funeral place where Stringer and his crew are doing the business, I wasn’t surprised how the green flowers were there. I mean it’s a funeral place, so of course there would be flowers there. The flowers are green so I wanted this particular scene to correspond to this assignment part of it with the color green of rainbow. I remember in the last episode of Season 1 at the funeral place, I don’t remember any flowers showing during the scene.

Green color at funeral place


This opening scene where McNulty and his boss I thought was interesting because McNulty talks about where his father used to work in the factory that they showed and his boss was saying he as well had someone that worked in that factory. McNulty and his boss are wearing their jackets since it’s cold but it’s the color blue. Especially the ocean and sky is blue which all of these links to this assignment of being the color blue of the rainbow.

McNulty and his boss blue


It was funny and surprising how in this episode, I found the color purple with Daniels wearing his tie which is the color purple. I’m pretty sure this is the only time in this episode where purple is being shown. I thought this was a good one to show because Daniels he isn’t that much of a rainbow type of guy. This scene with him wearing purple connects back to part of the assignment with the purple of rainbow.

Daniels Purple