Whirlwind of a Week

Reflection on Fritz Lang‘s masterpiece M

Look, Listen, Analyze: Dennis and His Boxing Gym 


Total: 14 stars

1. Silent Moonrise Kingdom=4.5 stars

2. Emperor’s New Groove in 5 Seconds= 4.5 stars

3. Omar Little-Pumped Up Kicks = 5 stars *Contains plot spoilers for the Wire*

Scene Analysis:

Daily Creates: 2

1. 10/27/14: What’s in a Name?

Written by Jess Reingold, @jessreingold on October 27, 2014 11:18 pm
I think I got lucky with my name...or maybe my mom is just really good with words....see my name, my first and middle name at least, flow nicely. Apparently I'm named after my aunt since her name started with a J and one of my grandma's aunts who was named Claire. Did i ever meet these people? No. They both died both I was born. I suppose it's nice that my parents named me after relatives, but I kind of want to know if it's because there was pressure for them to do so, or if they actually picked the names Jessica and Cliare and then just "said" I was named after these people. I don't think i'll ever ask them since my dad tends to get touchy about issues dealing with my relatives. Nevertheless, I think I got lucky, and honestly, if you're going to have kids, make sure you give them nice or cool names, don't let be THAT kid that gets made fun of for a name they didn't pick.

2. 10/31/14: Halloween Oranges

Inspires: 2 

1. Inspired by Setting Fire to the Rain

2. Inspired by Video Games

The Wire: Season 3, episodes 8, 9 & 10: Moral MidgetrySlapstickReformation

WHAT A GREAT THREE EPISODES!! So much happened but I really wanted to focus the crazy events from the 3 episodes.

1. AVON KNOWS. I cannot believe Stringer told Avon that he set up D’Angelo’s murder. I think this just further shows how much they growing apart since I don’t think Stringer would have told Avon unless Avon had egged him on like he did. They have different ideas of what success is and where they want their lives to go. Avon is all about the corners and the gangster life. He knows how to do and he’s pretty good at doing it too. Stringer wants to become a businessman and actually get into legitimate business deals. He wants to run Baltimore, but through property instead of product.

2. WHY PREZ. Prez was doing such a great job and he really is talented at finding patterns and doing the behind the scenes work as a police officer, but for some reason he has anger issues or severe anxiety when working in the field. I’m not surprised he messed up again since he really shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun, but then once we found out he shot another cop, that just made everything much worse. I wonder if his character will eventually leave the show now…maybe the actor wanted to leave so they wrote it in… They really should send Prez to therapy instead of prison, or maybe both.

3. Scummy Councilman. I really don’t like that the councilman Carcetti is going to go behind his friend and not tell him he’s planning on running for mayor too. However, that’s politics I suppose. I understand the strategy behind it, but it’d be nice to see him take the high road even though I know he’s only running for mayor for the good of Baltimore anyways.

4. D’Angelo’s mother: I am so glad D’angelo’s mother is sticking up for herself. While I do think she made the wrong decision to convince D’angelo to take the years, you can tell that she really did love her son, and she will not stop until she gets the truth about her son’s death. I cannot wait for her to find out it was Stringer. I hope that divides B & B.

5. Omar and his Grandma: The Barksdale crew is just so low. I agree with all of the gang’s opinions and that they shouldn’t have shot at him while he was with his grandmother and going to church.

6. THE TRUTH ABOUT HAMSTERDAM. Bunny Colvin is probably my favorite character right now. I thought his plan was genius, and I love how he timed it out with his unused vacation time and his retirement coming up. He’s very clever. I also thought it was great how Rawles gives Colvin credit for doing what he said-to get the number’s down- and how Rawles admits it was a genius, although illegal plan. Furthermore, I like how Colvin doesn’t bring down his team with him, he takes all of the hit on his idea, as he should. I kind of wish Burrell was more understanding, and interestingly enough, I think the civilian letters actually did help with Burrell and the Mayor’s reactions to the idea. Although we didn’t see it, I bet they both looked at the letters and were glad that they citizens were happy and felt safe for once.







