I’m With Frank!

Hello again ds106-ers!  I recently did the Bumper Sticker design assignment.  For this assignment, I tried to think initially of what person or event from “The Wire” season 2 could be portrayed on a bumper sticker.  I finally decided to create a re-election bumper sticker for Frank.


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For this creation, I decided to keep it simple.  I imagined if Frank were designing this, he would keep it simple, so I should too!  I used Sketchbook for Mac to create this.  I started with a basic rectangle with typical bumper sticker dimensions.  Since Frank’s character is a proud Polish-American, and since this was for an election within a union, I decided to go with a typical “American” feel to the design.  I used the red, white, and blue stripes as a background.  I also decided to incorporate the Polish flag to represent Sobotka’s heritage, as well as the I.B.S. logo.




Picture courtesy of Mister Pink