Inspired to Create !

Today while I was commenting I saw a great video. I wanted to do something so similar but I put my own touches on it but  I wasn’t sure how to you the software that was used to make the video. I was inspired from Danielle Niepokoj by her “Save the Cows” public service announcement.  After I watched her the video I didn’t wanna eat meat anymore, I just wanted to become a vegetarian, with that being said her point that she was trying to put across was well understood by the reader which was me. Daniellee actually inspired to go to the DTLT and schedule an appoitment with them to learn how to use the software that she use in order to use for the rest of my assignment. DTLT is the Division of Teaching and Learning Technology at the University of Mary Washington where you can go to learn more about different software on the computer.  Check out Danielle great post.  “Save the Cows”