Jeremy’s reflection on Bryan Alexander and Digital Storytelling

Web 2.0 was a good article to read because it addresses the infatuation with social media. Only lately has it been  beneficial to layout a story online and it’s  because of the trends listed in Bryan Alexander’s article. He highlights blogs, twitter, wikis, social images, and facebook, which are some of the most popular social media sites and trends online right now.  Without the popularity of these sites, digital storytelling wouldn’t be seen by the masses of online viewers. Like the article says, social media evolves at a rapid speed so I see concern with the trends we have today. Already, facebook isn’t as popular as it used to be, so what would replace it? Twitter is at it’s peak, so when will it begin to lose it’s popularity? I do believe digital storytelling will stay in demand, because the world is so reliant on the internet.  Just what form digital storytelling is going to take next will be interesting to see.

I believe the tumblr site could be considered digital storytelling because it depicts sees from the show in GIF format, which certainly reflects parts of the show that tells the story of The Wire. The Wire facebook page, however, looks more like an advertisement and online store for the show, than actual storytelling.