“Thoughts On A Better Future”

For my third video assignment I decided to change it up a little bit. I did the assignment called Where Do You Want To Go (3 stars). The original version called for pictures of the place you wanted to go to and music that had ties to that place. I remembered that I had to incorporate The Wire into one of my assignments this week so I decided to do pictures from the series.

I had to go through multiple episodes to find the pictures. I really tried to grab pictures of the most important characters and that probably was the hardest part. I used a screenshot editor called Skitch to grab screenshots and crop them and that was really tiring. I had a specific order that I wanted the pictures to be shown in in my head but it didn’t work out like that. I used the Youtube slideshow maker and that randomized all of my pictures which really wasn’t a bad I thing and I actually think it helped a lot. I waned to use Baltimore club music but I could only use what was given so I went with old school funk because it fit the best with the slideshow. I think it came together really well. Check it out and let me know what you think.