Today, McNulty feels…


I did today’s daily create, “ds106 4life empathy map” and pertained it to McNulty, one of my favorite characters from the Wire. I saw Amy Wallace did her map using Bubble and D’Angelo and thought it was interesting, so I wanted to use our “textbook” as well. A lot of the things I wrote were contradictory. For each section I had two comments, expecting the pain and gain portions, which included one good thing, typically about work, and one bad thing, typically about home. I wanted to poke fun at McNulty and pull in his own thinking, hence the sarcasm evident in my chart.

A lot of others used the same template as the example, but I just drew mine by hand so I could get some nice colors in there, as well as paste a cutout of McNulty’s face, smack dab in the middle. I snapped a photo and added it through Known to flickr and twitter!