Shameless Plug or Visual Assignment?

Well, I may or may not use this as one of my visual assignments because for one, I kind of feel like I’m copying Groom’s idea, and for two this scene isn’t specific to any of the particular episodes, but it looked fun and I saw something that made me think of The Wire anyway. So, here is the picture that I was going for:

The Wire.jpg (from Wikipedia)

And this is what I saw when I was scrolling through Instagram

alis hokie sign


What, you don’t see it? How about this?

wire small

I’m not exactly sure why I saw it but I did. I logged into Instagram on my computer (weird, I know) and screenshotted the picture. I put it into Microsoft Word and tried to crop in there and then save the image. Well, that didn’t work. It saved the whole screen shot. So I kept those saved files and opened them in Microsoft Office Picture Editor and cropped them there. When I saved them, the zoomed in picture was too small so I had to increase the size to 200% of normal size, but that was easy with the editor. So voila, here is my wire in every day life. Also if you think this sign is cool, which you should, you should visit my friend who made it’s etsy site, she is awesome.