Something Wicked This Way Comes

“Spooky Sounds” – This was the best audio assignment EVER!  Perfect for upcoming Halloween.  I had my 7-year-olds listen as I kept making it spookier and scarier.  They totally loved helping and offering criticisms along the way.  This time I wanted to have background music, based on a suggestion from …

Spooky Sounds: AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1418

Spooky Sounds: (3 Stars)

This was a fun assignment to work on, especially right at Halloween time!  I found most of my sounds that I wanted to go with on  The following tracks were downloaded:

Uncle Sigmund:  “Chainsaw”

tcrocker68_girl:  “girl screaming”

Puniho: “Chainsawing”

Spoonbender: “Wind through trees”

All of …

It’s Halloween Season

Since it is October I thought it was only fitting to complete the Spooky Sounds assignment. I actually had a lot of fun with this one and spent a lot of time on it. I wanted to try to make it creepy and once I got started I could not …

Very Halloweeeny

In light of my obsession with Halloween candy at the moment and the holiday’s fast approach, I decided to do the Spooky Sounds assignment. I used my GarageBand to make this, pulling some creepy audio sounds from it. I interspersed these sounds with portions of noises, screams and other …

Halloween is This Month!!

Since Halloween is this month, I decided to create an assignment, worth 3 stars called Spooky Sounds. For this assignment you have to make an audio track using found sounds or your own recordings that is creepy, spooky, scary, halloween-inspired and make it more than a minute long so …