Good Luck on Finals!

Week 15 Summary

WOW! I can’t believe how quickly this semester in DS106 went by. I remember when we were making simple GIFs in our first assignment. I also can’t believe that it’s already finals week. Luckily, I only have to get through a couple of tests on Tuesday and …

Daily Creates Submission

Professor Groom once said, “Let’s make some art dammit!” Oh I love that quote. It’s a good one though. It makes me feel like to run to my laptop to do the stuff faster like:

Here are the daily creates I submitted:

Hope the second one will post soon!


Water + Rice

After getting food poisoning less than 24 hours ago, water has quickly become my favorite inanimate object. I’m also just now wanting to eat again, so the rice isn’t half bad either.  …

Oh, Kevin

For today’s daily create, we had to make a caption for Kevin, the penguin. Naturally, I think of The Wire.. then Omar pops into my head.

Kevin got scared because he saw Omar, so he was yelling “Omar is coming y’all”


Oh, Kevin

For today’s daily create, we had to make a caption for Kevin, the penguin. Naturally, I think of The Wire.. then Omar pops into my head.

Kevin got scared because he saw Omar, so he was yelling “Omar is coming y’all”


Final DC

John Irving once said, “You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.” I can’t believe this is my last daily create doing for ds106! It was fun doing it for ds106 for a while. I’m still sad. I’m like:

So the daily create …

My Favorite Assignment

Hiya! So for today’s Daily Create we were tasked with writing about our favorite assignment we did this semester:

My all time favorite assignment was the Swede it! It was a video assignment and we were tasked with recreating an episode from the Wire. We also got bonus points if …

Downton Shabby Revisited

  For today’s Daily Create, I got to revisit my favorite work from this semester which was my re-imagining of a favorite TV show: Downton Abbey.  Not only did I re-do the logo, but I invented a parallel universe where many of our favorite characters from The Wire appear.  Here’s …