Daily Create Entries

There has always been something about TDC that I enjoy. It only takes 15 minutes to do an assignment, but they require so much creativity.

The first assignment I submitted was was a #TBDS or throw back digital storytelling. I got the idea from the endless #tbt I see on …

Downton Shabby Revisited

  For today’s Daily Create, I got to revisit my favorite work from this semester which was my re-imagining of a favorite TV show: Downton Abbey.  Not only did I re-do the logo, but I invented a parallel universe where many of our favorite characters from The Wire appear.  Here’s …

Why It Is Cool!


Basically for this one, I found a nice public domain background and added a special line about DS106. I rather like this one simply because it was simple and rather colorful. It all seemed to really merge together to create a cool background. Another reason I am proud of …

Daily Creates Galore

Daily Create #1:

A 3:30 Sketch (that I did much later than that). I did the inspiration sketch quote last week. I chose one of my favorite quotes (Philippians 4:13) and drew it (?) if you can call it that. I used markers and a piece of paper and …