I feel like…


For today’s daily create I answered the question “I feel like…” Instead of doing an object, I wrote that I have a lot of reading to do. Today will be very busy but I have to somehow find room for reading 100 pages of a novel for class! Yikes.…

I feel like ……….the world is on my shoulders

Today’s daily create was to reflect on your emotions and I am actually happy that this was today’s daily create.  I had a ROUGH week and I spent the latter of my week completing school work and such.

I know that I can get through it but sometimes it just …

I feel like ……….the world is on my shoulders

Today’s daily create was to reflect on your emotions and I am actually happy that this was today’s daily create.  I had a ROUGH week and I spent the latter of my week completing school work and such.

I know that I can get through it but sometimes it just …

I Feel…

Today’s Daily Create – Today I Feel Peaceful
I made this by drawing the meditating girl by hand and then scanning it in, and adding the text through photoshop…