What is it?

I did yesterday’s daily create just in the nick of time. Obviously by the time I decided to do it, it was dark outside so to make it hard to tell what the object was I had to make it dark in the room as well. It may be obvious …

His Master’s Voice

Today’s Daily Create was to make an interesting indoor photo with the blinds closed so that your audience has to guess at the contents in your photo.  Cool and imaginative!  I went over to my parents’ house and took a picture in their living room of an object that used …

Daily Create: Veil of Darkness

Okay that title is way more dramatic than it actually is. For today’s daily create, we had to take a picture of something with the blinds closed. While the room got plenty dark, unfortunately I think my subject is pretty unrecognizable due to the location. I was in the …

What is it?

For today’s daily create, we had to make an interesting indoor photo with the blinds closed so your audience has to guess your subject. So here it is!