Category: tdc1050
An Iconic Sunday
For my second TDC of week 13 I chose “Tell us your day in icons”. There were no fabulous and exciting things to convey so finding icons to match my Sunday activities were not at all difficult. It basically consisted of housework, work, tutorial at the Digital Knowledge Center, and …
My Sunday is a fun day of football
Today’s Daily Create assignment was to re-tell what you did today in icons. I used the suggested set of icons that Google recently made available and found paging through them to be a little like shopping for the right shoes. They had to be juuuuust right. Turns out this was …
Daily Create: My Day in Icons
A nice minimalistic daily create, recreate my (rather uneventful) day using a recently released batch of icons. It was fun looking through the various files trying to find what I could use to illustrate moments that happened. With over 700 icons to sort through, there were a lot of …
Icon Description
For today’s daily create we had to create a story out of icons. This was the Sunday right before I had three tests and two labs. All I did was wake up drink coffee, study, sleep, more coffee, and stay up all night.