Vintage Blueprint!

Something my dad and boyfriend having been talking about a lot lately, today especially is a motorcycle. So I thought this assignment would be fitting to do a blueprint of one.


To make it look more vintage, I just played around with the saturation, contrast, and other effects on …

Atari 2600 Joystick

Another awesome Daily Create today (thanks Mariana!), this one was imagined by Tom Woodward and has you picking a patent image and cleaning it up to make it look cool. I couldn’t find a patent image I was in love with, so … Continue reading

Daily Create: Blueprints

For today’s daily create, I had to make some old fashioned style design schematics. Since our focus is on The Wire, I decided to use the schematics for a pay phone! I just used GIMP and used the provided layers and the ‘multiply’ function to put it all together.…

Patently Stylish

Wow, this was a fun daily create!  I could’ve happily spent a lot more time searching around the images of interesting patents, but I settled on some steampunk style goggles. I copied the image into Photoshop, added a warming layer to turn the text into dark brown and then added …