Category: tdc998
“I can’t, I have softball”
I did yesterday’s daily create but didn’t get a chance to blog about it, so here is the post for it. The daily create was “Make Your DS106 #4life Empathy Map” at first I didn’t know if I wanted to do this or not. But then when I …
“Make Comments, Dammit!”
I had never heard of an empathy map before doing this daily create. It was more fun when I got into it and played around in Photoshop with the chat and thought bubbles. I didn’t have a really great one for “hearing” so I used the jagged-edged bubble that’s probably …
The Empathy Map of a Jess
Daily Create: Empathy Map
For today’s daily create, I get to show my feelings on our very own Wire106 course! I made sure to illustrate not only my struggles, but my gains from this class as well. It’s definitely a lot more work than I initially expected. Especially design week in general. When …
Empathy Map
Today’s daily create basically sums up my life right now. My room is nice and messy, but my waterfall is running, which helps me concentrate. I keep saying I will finish my homework.. …
Today, McNulty feels…
I did today’s daily create, “ds106 4life empathy map” and pertained it to McNulty, one of my favorite characters from the Wire. I saw Amy Wallace did her map using Bubble and D’Angelo and thought it was interesting, so I wanted to use our “textbook” as well. A lot of …
More Like Sympathy Map
For today’s daily create, i completed the “Empathy Map.” What we basically had to do is fill this up with current feelings and so on. I reflected on all the stress and work i’ve had this week. For example, all the assignments and work i’ve had to do for every …