We Be Gett’n Money and $hiiiii

I conquered 5 of the 7 1/2 stars left to complete in week 10 of video with the assignment ‘That Bleeping Censor’. Finally after trial and error with first grasping use of Movie Maker and then technology problems only fixable through the help of IT, I successfully completed this assignment …

That Quacking Censor

I chose to do the 5 star That Bleeping Censor assignment. Immediately after reading the assignment my thoughts jumped straight to the scene where McNulty and Bunk are in an apartment investigating a murder and had a not-so-colorful choice of words for the entire scene. Instead of simply putting …

That Quacking Censor

I chose to do the 5 star That Bleeping Censor assignment. Immediately after reading the assignment my thoughts jumped straight to the scene where McNulty and Bunk are in an apartment investigating a murder and had a not-so-colorful choice of words for the entire scene. Instead of simply putting …

That Bleeping Crime Scene

One of the more memorable scenes from early on in The Wire is of Bunk and McNulty at the cold crime scene in the apartment where they only say “fuck.” I love it, and think it’s a great, humorous scene. When I saw the That Bleeping Censor assignment, I thought …

What the Bleep?

Original Scene from The Wire

I found the That Bleeping Censor Assignment, and I really wanted to do it. I of course immediately thought of the scene from season 1 of The Wire, where McNulty and Bunk are investigating an old crime scene, and the only phrases they say the …

Cha-Ching Goes The Swear Jar

  I’ve wanted to do something with this scene since I saw it in my pre-semester binge-watch of “The Wire”.  It’s a terrific use of photography and positioning, with very little sound and dialogue.  Pretty much the only dialogue is a repeated epithet used with a variety of inflections and …