Audio Live Tweeting.. It’s amazing..

Harry Truman once said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” I just loved doing this weeks assignment. Especially doing my live tweeting with the class on Twitter. We listened from a link that Professor Groom provided to us. There were three days of live tweeting and we could do one out of the three days to tweet. We had to tweet with a hash tag #wire106 and #ds106radio. I did all three days because I loved it. I had tons of fun to doing it. I can’t wait for next weeks one. Here are my tweets and analysis for each episode:

Season 2 Episode 3:

You know like I said before, it’s very interesting of the difference of visualizing and hearing. When I started live tweeting here, I was thinking “What’s so different between hearing the audio of an episode and watching the visualization of an episode?” As soon as I started hearing it on the ds106 radio link. I was like O.O. Just literally surprised at the end. There’s a huge difference hearing the episode.

For this episode, from the start I was like laughing because of the foreign people talking in their own language. It was fun to make a ds106 bumper and it starts of yaba daba doo from what Bunk said. It was fun to see how the new character since episode 1 of season 2, Ziggy, is like a little Kevin Hart because he always hang out with Nick and it’s like he looks up to him. Ziggy can be mostly dumb but he has his smart moments sometimes. It was funny how Stringer talked about his phone business with Poot in it. I was like thinking if Poot has two phones, why is he in the business if he keeps talking with his girlfriend on the other phone? My favorite scene of this episode was when I heard this quote: “Omar’s back”. I was just excited completely when Omar said that.

It was fun tweeting with Jessica about the rat, puppy, and Jay. I felt bad for the rat who died because the small puppy murdered it. It’s interesting of that scene because with hearing on that scene, it’s like a big ferocious dog came and murdered the rat. When I went to watch the scene and see that it was a puppy who killed the rat I was just like:


Season 2 Episode 4:

What I loved about this episode was when Nick went to get his pop and talked to him. “You ever miss it, Pop?” To me in this episode, since there were like some parallels between D’Angelo and Nick I was just thinking like D’Angelo wants out of his uncle business and is trying to be and live clean while Nick is trying his best to be involved more in the dirty business. I feel bad for McNulty because he’s trying to find the identity of his Jane Doe. It’s tons of work. I loved Prezs character because when he asked everyone “What kept you?”. The little reunion was great to see. I was happy to at least hear and see Jay in this episode. Basically like I was thinking like this:



Season 2 Episode 5:

This episode was very interesting for me. But I loved when the group officially came back. Well McNulty didn’t came back at that moment when the group did but I still love that scene. It’s funny for me because during that episode, when that scene of Lester being detailed from his job and then the guy from the Pit got hit pretty hard with the bottle in the head and got beaten up from the people, I was thinking how both of the scene parallel with each other. I started getting into the episode after Ziggy he got basically mugged well a bit because his car got stolen but it woke me up to start watching the rest of the episode. When listening to it, it was interesting to hear everything especially in the background. I liked when Herc was the guy undercover and Kima and Carver were taking pictures. The audio in that scene was so much better to understand than visualizing because when I have to watch, I would be like having to understand the motion of the picture that’s going on and trying to hear it but when just hearing the audio of it, it’s so much understandable and especially the background. It was funny to hear Nick saying about the good news and bad news for Ziggy of his situation with the gang since the gang burned his car. Having Carver back, I just loved the scene when Herc hugged him. It reminded me of a similar funny way:


I especially loved that particular scene when Kima said “Cool Lester Smooth”. I never heard her said that. But it’s perfect to call him like that because that fits how much swag he has. After hearing what Kima said of Lester saying that, I was just like:


So amazing what audio can do. I was surprised what the difference of hearing and watching an episode can do.