Jay The Pig

Tom Bodett once said, “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” I know that when I watched the weekly summary that 8 out of the 15 stars has to be related to the 3 Wire episode that we watched this week and my favorite character is on two out of the three episodes I believe. But I love him, he’s the funniest guy ever. He always keep eating too much so I decided to do this design assignment with him and a pig. I thought of the pig from the Geico commercial so I decided to use that to make it funny since both of them are funny and it’s a match!


It’s kind of bad but I tried my best doing this on GIMP 2. I don’t have Photoshop so I’m doing my best on this assignment. Hope it’s okay. In GIMP 2, I opened up the two JPEGS and then copied my Jay Landsman JPEG and paste it with my Geico Pig one. Then I used the same tool before to do the multiply myself into one picture assignment, which was Tools->Selection Tools->Free Select. I tried my best cutting the other things from the Jay Landsman JPEG and then I tried aligning the picture with the Geico Pig one by going to Tools->Transformation Tools->Move. That’s how I basically did this assignment.