Me, Mom, Bro, and … a Bat!?

This is My Story

3 Stars

This one was another fun one to make. All I needed was my trusty computer, some notecards, and my favorite writing utensil (in retrospect, I probably should have found a marker). Coming up with a story was almost a no brainer.

This story will forever stick out to me because the odds of this happening are extremely low. Let me explain a bit further. I’m driving down the road at 40 mph and hit a flying object with the front windshield of our van. The bat then loops around and goes through the open window and finally lands on the passenger side, dead. If someone can tell me the odds of that, I will give you a cookie (seriously!). Anyways, that’s what I have to say about this one; it just makes me laugh!

Let me know what you think!
