Streets of Drugs

Summarizing The Wire in 6 Gif clips was definitely harder than I expected. After I sat in my living room for about an hour and a half lost I finally began to understand what I was doing. I chose these clips because these are scenes that I felt meant the most to the message that the directors were trying to convey. The first clip in which McNulty’s sons did the follow and lead on Stringer Bell comes back to haunt McNulty. The second clip when Wallace was helping out the little kid shows how much influence the “drug life” can have on a person’s mind and how they think.This is starting to become more evident in every episode. I chose the clip of McNulty and Daniels because it really shows how McNulty was pushing everyone around him to work as as possible on the. He showed his dedication numerous times throughout the season. The clip with Avon, Stringer, and Orlando shows how much emotion is put into the drug game. It shows that you can never trust anyone and you have to make sure people are sure of what they’re doing. The last clip basically shows Omar watching Orlando and I chose it because it make the viewers wonder what Omar is about to do. I hope that this summary of episode 8 was sufficient and that you enjoyed it.


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