“You Wanna Play Rough?”

The third piece of work that I posted to the in[SPIRE] page was this book cover created by Jeremy.


I was inspired by Omar and his scar in this picture. Not exactly did Omar himself inspire me but it was the fact the his character could be adapted into a role similar to Scarface. Not saying that the two are anything alike, just saying that they are both so dynamic an contribute so much to their respective show and movie that it actually works. I was also inspired by the header which reads, “Point Of No Return.” I find that symbolic in the way that Omar has made his decisions and will obviously be living the life he chose. There is no real way out for him because of the consequences he will face from his actions.

I think Omar being so important to the shoe actually adds some creativity to this cover. I think that people would look at it and say, “Oh Scarface, ha ha I get it.” But I feel that there’s more to it than just the picture. I could totally be missing or over thinking this one but that’s what true creativity does to an audience. I really enjoyed this cover and I hope you do too.