Sounds and a Map

For my first daily create of the week, i chose the “Make a sound Map” assignment.” To be honest, i’m really not familiar with sound maps. I actually thought we had to record something for this daily create, before reading it of course! I rumbled around my friend’s house and looked for some cardboard. Thank goodness they all love cereal so they had a box i could use. I sat myself in their family room while everyone was out and just listened. They live right on college ave so i could hear cars, wind, and people. I also heard my friend’s baby cry so i included that in my sound map also! Actually sitting down and listening to what is around me was fun. If you’re quite enough, you’ll hear things you never thought were audible. For example, trees! I mean people have heard the windy make the branches move but it’s not something you hear quite as often. Now, finally, here’s my actual sound map!

Tdc: sound map 1034