World of Wires

For my last DS106 assignment this week I decided to do the Visual assignment called The Wire Everywhere, in which we’d have to capture a prevalent image from The Wire and show a real world example.

In Week 1, I recall taking a screenshot of the beginning scene of the episode “The Wire” from Season 1. The scene followed the path of an orange wire suspended between two buildings in The Pit.

Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 8.54.58 PM

After seeing this scene and continuing to watch the show, I found that there are many instances where wires are emphasized, whether through a close-up or through a dynamic scene such as the one above. From the intro theme of the show, I noticed that there is a close-up on a payphone wire.


The fact that the show is called “The Wire” and that wires are visually represented often in the show makes me think that the wire is a key theme. In saying this I mean that the wire is a symbol for connection and the necessity of new and emerging digital technologies in today’s age–not only for forensics, but for everything. When I plug my cellphone charger into the wall then into my phone, the three technologies are connecting to produce something new–battery life. When I connect my headphones to my iPod then to my ears, sound is produced. So many things are made possible by wires.

To visually represent the importance of wires, I chose the following image of an organized bundle of wires connecting many different technologies: