Sounds of Your Day Tutorial

First off, you need to make sure you have Audacity downloaded on your computer. If you don’t, you can do so here!

After it loads, you can open it up and it will look something like this!


Pretty boring, right? Let’s change that. If you hit the record …

Can’t Get It Out Of My Head Tutorial

This is the detailed tutorial for the Can’t Get It Out Of My Head assignment. It’s a audio assignment worth 2 stars. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Download a free audio recording software like Audacity.

Step 2: Go on to YouTube and fin a song that has a nice …

Tutorial: Swap Shop


– Come up with some crazy idea for an item to sell. The more unrealistic it is, the better.

– Have a good audio recording device. I personally used the one that was built into my laptop.

– If you can, try to get a friend to help …

AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1524 “Sounds of Omar’s Life”

AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1524 (3 stars)  “The Sounds of Omar’s Life”

In this assignment, Omar and I used Audacity to blend several sounds to make a typical day in the life of Omar.  I would like to give credit to the following from

“Outside Night w/Sirens” by apotter1992

“Dog barking in …

Rawls’s Theme Song

For my first Rawls assignment for this week I did “Your Theme Song” (4 stars). I thought Bad Boys would be perfect for Rawls not only because he is police but because he may or may not like bad boys

How I did it:

First I found the song that …

Overcoming Audio Editing Fears

Building my Audacity Friendship

For the audio assignment Create a DS106 Radio Bumper (1.5 stars) I used Audacity to upload, mix, and edit several recorded clips. To begin this assignment, I asked two of my roommates to allow me to record them saying “DS106″. On Audacity I recorded myself saying …