Imitate some weather..

This was a cool assignment.  I used Audacity to make my own sounds to imitate the beginning of a thunderstorm.  I made the wind myself, the rain was my fingertips on a Diet Pepsi can, and I also did my own lightning strikes. (Sorry could not figure out how to …

“I Never Knew This World Could Be This Mad”

For my my final audio assignment I decided to do the Imitate some weather assignment (1.5 stars). I didn’t really have to think this hard for this one I knew that I was either going to do the wind blowing, waves crashing, or thunder. After I thought about each of …

Imitating Weather

Middle school chorus came in handy for this assignment. Our music teacher used to have us imitate a rain storm using only our hands and feet. I began by rubbing my hands together. This sounds like the wind blowing the rain clouds in. Then there are light drops of …

The Sound of my voi… err Rain!


So… this is rain, from my voice. I have to admit, I did this about 7 times before I got it to where I wanted it. I had my fan on in the background and began to make a somewhat watery sound with my mouth (you know how rain …