Cutty movin up! At-Risk Youth Empowerment Coach

For five stars Cutty Wise chose “Public Service Announcement” video assignment. With exemplifying a portrayal of growth in a destructive and deteriorating environment, Cutty Wise showed a progressive and magnificent stride towards internal evaluation of the character he is fit to become. His journey is summed up in this short …

Time to Get Serious. LISTEN UP!

5- Stars

As always, the only tools needed to make this one was my laptop camera and a room with decent lighting.

Now as for why I chose this one, this is a more interesting story. For the past 13 (soon to be 14) years of my life, teachers/professors …


This was one of my favorite assignments to create. I (along with fellow ds106er Kisha) am on the board for the UMW consent campaign. There’s information about it in the video and you all should come take the pledge to always have consent!

I built this assignment around the “Let’s …

PSA The Wire Plan to End Gun Violence

Si Robertson once said, “It ain’t gun control we need; it’s sin control.” It’s true though what Si said. There have been people talking about to end gun violence. I wanted to do a PSA video about it. I thought after seeing a video assignment of making a PSA announcement …

Save the Cows!

For this assignment a public service announcement was created. I had a lot of trouble thinking of what to do for this one. So a friend gave me the idea of creating it with this cow video.


I searched for this cow video that I saw a while ago …