Bunk’s Police Beat report

This is Bunk’s second assignment for writing.  He wrote up a report for a case of multiple suicides for work for the police beat assignment.

Multiple suicides sweep Baltimore suburbs. Rich children of politicians create suicide pact called 1-800 Cyanide.

First death by rope. Suicide after shooting Captain of police.

Second death by LSD overdoes and alcohol poisoning.

Letter left by second suicide says angry about getting a Jepp instead of a Mercedes Benz.

Third death result of carbon monoxide poisoning via oven gas.

Fourth death by axe.

Fifth death via gunshot to the head.

Sixth death from electrocution in shower.

Seventh and eighth died from wounds from a lion at the zoo. They snuck into a cage.

Number nine was from cyanide.

Ten slit wrists in tub.

Gravediggers will have a lot to deal with today as ten high-class funerals will take place in Baltimore this week.


Based on Gravediggaz 1-800 Suicide.




