“Don’t Jock My Style”

One of the things that stood out to me in this episode came right at the beginning. It was when the little boy was shot and killed in the gun fight. It made me think about the lives of the people who don’t even participate in the drug game and acts of violence but are still in danger. It’s sad to think that people can’t live their lives the way they want to because they have to think about all of the trouble that surrounds them. So many lives are impacted because of the actions of a few and that is a strong message. One that I think the authors, director, and producers of the show want the audience to recognize. Along the same lines of thought Brianna Barskdale is brought into the picture to go to ask Avon about drug business. Her life has been changed because her brother dealt in drugs and eventually got her involved. Who knows what she could have done with her life or what path she would have taken. Again I say it’s crazy that these kind of things are prevalent in today’s society.