Edit.. edit.. edit

This week we did not have that many assignments, instead the primary focus was on the radio show. Although there was not much to do, the radio show was somewhat time consuming.

The Wire

Episode 2- This episode was probably my least favorite because of the dog fight! But I thought it was funny how the police thought “his dog” was a person he killed rather than a legitimate dog. The episode did redeem itself with McNulty looking further into D’Angelo’s murder. It took someone long enough to realize D wouldn’t do that to himself or his family.

Episode 3- Shoot outs were a huge part of this episode between Omar and Barkstale’s crew, of course. Omar once again goes and steals Avon’s stash. Another thing was at the COMSTAT meeting, where Rawls shoots down (not literally) Taylor. The police force tries to crack down on the war on crime, making units drop the crime to an almost unrealistic number. In attempt to do this, an undercover gets shot and killed along with his gun stolen.

Episode 4- McNulty and Lester… I did not see that blow up going to happen. A major part to this episode was finding the police officers gun and the war on crime. Bunk is actively searching for the stolen gun, while Burrell is out trying to solve the war on crime. Hamsterdam, a place where he wants all the drug dealers to go, because all the houses are vacant. In attempt to do this, he sends out other police officers to warn them if they don’t go there, they will be arrested. As expected, no one took them seriously. So Burrell got them all on a bus and attempted to talk to them at the school.


Radio Show

As mentioned on Wednesday, nothing was recorded for the show due to fall break. I was unable to go to the first official meeting due to my job but I was kept in the loop. We named our radio TDSN Radio show, for our theme we asked some questions about what would you do pertaining to a particular situation. We each came up with our own question and worked on the script. On Thursday we all met up, went over a few things, and then started to record. Before and after this, Syd met with Professor Groom, we also emailed the rough recording to him, therefore a google hangout was not needed. We then each edited our own question and put some clips and background music in it. The editing for me was a little more difficult trying to figure out a good balance. I also contributed to, I believe, the first bumper that will be played in the show with The Wire theme song. Then also, we all did a commercial, mine was on real estate to go with my question about the towers. Overall, I think this project was pretty successful!

During my editing and recording process, I found that my voice compared to others is just a lot softer which caused a few complications. Also, the background noise was hard to eliminate. When I was editing, I’d cut out our pauses and change the levels. Then I added a song to the background, during the responses putting that to the lowest level. Creating the commercial was pretty easy, after all the editing was done earlier. The bumper as well, was easy too. Overall, the experience with creating a radio show was pretty positive.


Finished show

Daily Create

October 19th

Monkey in the window..? #ds106