Honey, I’m Hooommmeee!

Ok so as intimidating as Audacity looked, it’s bite wasn’t at all as bad as it’s bark. I did have some frustrations with the time absorption with putting together this first audio assignment. I chose to do the sound effect story as suggested by the villain, Jim Groom! I’m sure this is very entertaining for him Ha, Ha. However, it was exhilarating to gain 3 1/2 stars from it all. With listening to Jennifer Halston’s interview I felt that I had a more concrete idea of what creating sound would involve. Listening ears on I took a page from my uncle’s playbook. He is totally blind and amazes us with how much he picks up on with just listening. I decided to go with simple sounds (No time for Orchestra Ensembles) and cut each sound required in as they would occur with someone arriving home.