I’m Sold On The Wire Buyer’s Radio Show

Earlier this week we were instructed to check out our fellow classmates radio shows and live tweet along with them.  The radio show which I choose was The Wire Buyers radio show which aired on October 22.   This show for starters was pretty good for several reasons.


The Wire Buyer’s Radio was comprised of a group of talented individuals.   The overall theme for this group was commercials.   The teams did a very good job overall of incorporating the various product and placement items which occurred in Wire.  This teams  analysis on the occurrence of product placement was amazing!  I thought that the reveal of how they each found commercials that reflected people as well as products of The Wire

For instance @Green_Canoe Gentleman’s Club Commercial Was priceless!

The research for the Wire McNuggets commercial by @teamtightpants was also equally amazing.

Thoughts on Process

I thought that their show was very investigative.   They really combed through the audio for The Wire and really made an effort to find appropriate product placement.   Their show reminded me of the Super Bowl, in that you don’t really watch the show for football or the main event but you sit on the edge of your seat for the commercials.

In addition, these guys and gals had a lot of poignant messages such as @iahmed16celtics gun PSA about Newton CT and all the other sad happenings which occurred in regards to gun violence.

I think that these guys put a lot of thought into what they decided to do as a group and I appreciated their radio show.

I had a great time tweeting along with their radio show as you can see below:

radio show