Introductions CAN Be Fun

Alright, so let’s start off with the basics. My name is Carmela Mitchell and i’m a sophomore here at UMW. As of now, i’m a solid poly sci major (just haven’t declared yet).  I love running blogs, especially my Tumblr blog. Anywho, let me embed some media for you.

So my blog title is “Police Disco Lights” which some of you must be like “uhhhh??”. It comes from the song “Laika” by Arcade Fire off their album “Funeral”. They’re one of my favorite bands.Here’s the single cover for it.



So our next step was a Twitter account, yeah? I have made a seperate one just for this class because that’s how special DS106 is to me ;)

Personally, I really enjoy using Soundcloud. It’s a great way to share different types of audio, not just music.

Last but not least, an actual video of myself! How exciting, except i’m not the camera type, if you couldn’t already tell by the loading frame of the video.