Jennifer Ralston

The interview with Jennifer Ralston was extremely interesting! She made me realize how much sound truly does matter. The detail you have to go into just for sounds is astonishing. I never would have guessed any of the things she said. Like for silence, you actually add background sound. In retrospect that actually makes more sense to enhance that there is now foreground sound happening.

I enjoyed hearing about how the sound can carry you from scene to scene, I never really picked up on that. When Kima’s scene where she got shot, you can hear how the music carries over. My favorite part of the interview, of course, was the reference she made to dogs. As soon as she mentioned that I realized, even in the clips played during the interview, dogs are always barking, particularly around McNulty. I loved that!

Her perspective really opened up my eyes to everything. She truly does an amazing job on The Wire. After listening to this interview, I really gained a lot of respect for all other aspects that are put into a show.