One Question

This assignment worth 3.5 stars was probably one of my favorite to complete! I decided to ask people how their parents chose their name. The stories I got are very cool. Everyone has such an interesting story behind their name! I interviewed some friends and even some strangers. It was kind of awkward asking my cab driver last night, but his story was among the coolest. Listen to the whole thing to hear Jim Groom himself speak about his “identity crisis!”

To complete the assignment, I recorded the interviews using the Voice Memos app on my phone. I then downloaded them to my computer, but when I went to import them to Audacity, it didn’t work. Luckily, there is a space near Groom’s office where we can go to get any technology help. With the help of Professor Groom and Matt, I switched the files to mp3s using an online website. I then put all the files into the Audacity and put them together, trimmed out parts where people paused or talked over the interview (boy that was hard!). As if this assignment wasn’t hard enough for me to complete, I started having issues with SoundCloud. I eventually gave up and turned it into a video using MovieMaker. And finally it’s all done!!