Radio Show Progress

This project seemed to start at the worst possible time. The week before fall break is never a good week. Every professor in every class seems to need to get all their tests and papers in before the break… Do they think we aren’t going to come back? My group has accomplished some work. We have done more of the brainstorming/getting our ideas down. Syd, Nick and I met on Thursday night to get our first ideas down. Danielle had to work so she was unable to attend but was filled in on what was discussed. We have decided what needs to be created to create our show. This will be a busy week to get all the work completed but our “What Would You Do Radio Show”  it will be done on time. We are planning to meet up tomorrow to get some work done and we want all the recording completed by Saturday so we have time to edit it all together. Having this break did not help with this project. I used my break time to get away from school work for a couple of days and enjoy myself. No internet, minimal electricity, no worries is a great and relaxing time. Now I am right back into the grind of a lot of work but not a lot of time.