“The Man Of Mankind”

Tonight (10/08/14), my group met for the second time to plan our radio show. We had some really good ideas floating around the table tonight. The first thing that jumped out to me was the logo and the bumper. SO I went ahead and volunteered to take both of those tasks for the group. We came up with an awesome name so right after we came up with the name I came up with a little catchy tune that I hope will work through Audacity. My biggest concern is that I won’t be able to do everything I need to do through Audacity without having trouble. I’m sure that I’ll figure it out but it’ll probably take some time.

After we decided on a station we started throwing out ideas for what we would do. We created a long list of ideas. We split the list up among the group members so that everyone is participating equally. My second biggest fear is that fall break will get in the way of me finishing my part of the project.

When I go home I tend to leave all worries about school at SCHOOL. Hopefully this weekend I’ll be able to be productive. If not I’m sure that I’ll be able to stay up late working on my part of the project until I get it the way I want it to be.

At the end of the night I was very impressed with the progress that my group made tonight. I’m excited to see how this turns out.