Week 7

Trying to get this done before going away for break! This week was a cool experience. I liked how it was fewer stars so I could focus more attention on the assignments. I had a lot of fun with these. With the help of some friends, Jim Groom, and the technology center in the ITCC, I finished early!!

Also, I met with my group this week to discuss what we’re going to do for our radio show. We have some very cool ideas so when it’s our turn, everyone should listen :)

Daily Creates

DS106 Letterhead

ds stationary

Doodle with a Dog–who didn’t want to sit still for the picture

#tdc1007 #dailycreate


Audio Assignments

Imitating Weather 1.5 stars

Onomatopoeia 1.5 stars

One Question 2.5 stars

Daily Sounds 2 stars

Help!!! 3.5 stars

Have a great fall break everyone!!