What is “Digital Storytelling”?

I believe the “digital” in digital storytelling is a broad description of all possible forms of storytelling that is now available. There are constantly new apps and technology coming available for people to use. I think Bryan explains his viewpoint very well. His points are a little too long for my taste but they’re well explained. I would have to agree with his statements of twitter. Twitter is not what I would consider a great form of digital story telling. Although you can only do short and simple tweets it is easy to tweet a lot and quickly. I follow a bunch of sport accounts and I could sit on my phone and follow a football came just from tweets. Now is that considered storytelling? Maybe not but I am just proving a point that you can follow an event or anything using twitter.

As for The Wire Tumblr and Facebook pages I think they both have the ability to be a “digital storyteller” but I only believe the Tumblr is in this case. Although a random person who never heard of the wire would have a hard time to look at the gifs and get a story from it, people who know about it can understand the story. The Facebook page on the other hand is far from a “digital storyteller” in my book. I scrolled through the sight and majority of the posts and pictures are marketing materials. To me there is no storytelling happening on that page. Facebook could be a great source for digital storytelling. Majority of personal Facebook account are digital stories. Pictures and videos are posted showing what they have done or are doing. Status’ are made about how they are feeling. Facebook could be a great source but The Wire page is not a digital story.

Digital Storytelling is a term with little limits. With new technology constantly being developed who knows what is going to be the “digital” in 10 years. It is also a term that may not have a clear definition. Digital storytelling is an amazing tool that has changed the way we receive information and will be an amazing source in future years for historical purposes.